Channel Islands

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale


Castle Pier
St Peter Port
Emailgg.esuohrethguals@ofni Telephone(01481) 712123
Real AleGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsDisabled AccessRestaurant
Opening times: Mon closed; Tue–Sun 12:00-24:00
Regular beers: Randalls --varies--

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Winner of CAMRA Design Award in 2019 for it's conversion from an Abbatoir. Modern layout with separate dining area. Randalls managed house with a varying range of real ales, many from a small breweries. Popular with locals and visitors alike there is a large outdoor terrace. Ideally situated on the harbour-side both the terrace and the mezzanine restaurant offer fine views over Havelet Bay and the harbour.